Tuesday, December 13, 2016

[ PROMO SUPER BC - Desember 2016 ]

Promo Free Limited Gift

From Oriflame 
To Oriflame Beauty Consultants in Indonesia
- Desember 2016 -

Halo, apa kabar semuanya? Semoga dalam keadaan FIT dan SEHAT SELALU yaa... Amin! ☺

Sudah tanggal 13 Desember yang artinya sudah mau memasuki minggu ketiga akhir bulan di tahun ini. Sudah sibuk mempersiapkan liburan kemana nih, teman-teman?

Well, kalo saya sih, berencana mau pergi ke kota perantauan saya waktu kuliah dulu insyaallah. Mau dateng kondangan kakak sepupu di sana. ❤❤❤

Oiya, pasti sudah tau ya kalau saya ini adalah seorang beauty consultant Oriflame? (selain jadi penulis dan IRT tentunya)

Sebelumnya, yang sudah tau tentang Oriflame, pasti nggak akan bingung dengan promo SUPER BC dari Oriflame.

Nah, buat yang belum tau tentang PROMO GRATIS dari Oriflame, akan saya jelaskan sedikit.

Jadi, Oriflame Indonesia setiap tahun akan mengadakan beberapa kali PROMO SUPER BUSINESS CLASS (BC) CAMPAIGN dimana untuk setiap membernya (baik yang cuma mau jadi pembeli, penjual ataupun pebisnis) berhak mendapatkan PROMO tersebut GRATIS dengan hanya mendapatkan omzet penjualan sebanyak 200 BP (business point).

Kalau di-rupiah-kan 200BP itu dengan pembelian atau penjualan produk sebesar 1,2 juta. 

Untuk yang sudah pernah tau harga produk Oriflame, dengan 1,2 juta tersebut, bisa dengan mudah diraih dengan berjualan 1 paket skin care saja lho. Atau bisa juga akumulasi dari beberapa produk juga.

Iya, jadi setiap produk itu BUKAN CUMA 1 BP / poin. Tapi 1 produk bisa memiliki minimal 1 poin sampai puluhan poin. Jadi, belanja di Oriflame bisa lebih hemat.

Produk FAVORIT dari Oriflame ada banyak macamnya, beberapa di antaranya adalah:

Novage Skin Care Set
  • Novage True Perfection
  • Novage Bright Sublime
  • Novage Ecollagen
  • Novage Ultimate Lift
Nah, dari kita sharing manfaat produk di atas ataupun produk Oriflame lainnya, selain kita dapet keuntungan Rupiah, kita juga bisa dapet kesempatan dapetin Travelling Bag di bawah ini.

Kalau kira-kira berminat atau mau tanya terlebih dahulu, bisa email/kontak saya di 081804509443 via WA, LINE ataupun via inbox Facebook saya.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Long time . Long way . Long long long ....

Tonight I was reminded by my friend in college... Dek Meykke... To write and to share something on my blog.. Not necessarily big story to share.. Little and short story of mine that would be another experience of yours to read. 

That this opening post will be in you blog list, I would say to say hii to youu allll :*

Nonsense person of this super hotty night in Solo...Arrqwwww....

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

290113 - this is it

For all that I know.
This is the day I was waiting for.
Not accomplished yet.
But it is a good start.


"Semoga semua berjalan dengan lancar"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bored and get stucked at office. These are my experience. :)

Have you had this experience?



at the office?

Maybe, this experience can inspire you a little bit.


  1. Re-arrange your desk and your drawers 
  2. Put something colorful ORRRR something that is your favorite to.
  3. CLEAN your stuffs, of course.
  4. Bring your favorite stuffs to your office.
Okay. So, basically, what can make you comfortable and more comfortable again is something that you really like. If you like photographs, just bring your favorite photos and put it under the glass on your desk or just put it on the wall in front of you.

to be continued (might be... :D )


Diy. 25-01-2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Judicium Ceremony. July 11, 2012.

Mixed Feelings (July 14, 2012). Happy for the graduation (Yessy and I) 
and panic when parents hadn't come yet (@indun)

All angkatan were gathered @ the Basket Hall. 
Captured all the happiness, challenges, and hopes thorough the years we have had in our college life.

Just some thoughts at night.

I don't feel to be poetic this time but somehow I just want to share what I have got as the best teacher in my life. Just some random thoughts at the first, and gradually it'll come the pattern facing the life.

Many new experience has come after I graduated last year. Including my ended college life, work life, friendship story, and love life. "Never too simple to think about but it's just easy when you know what you love to do in your life." - diy -

Times goes by and never think back for what I passed this first semester of being a worker and a woman :) 

I think I find that telling and sharing about personal life is not that simple because it puts your 'kitchen' in front of the house. Never letting others to know your precious and private story is the best key to be mature people. It is because you already know what you need to let others know or not. 

I think this un-poetic-ly opening is not that good enough to deliver my thoughts but sometimes I need to be what I want to be, like this time, not what friends want me to be.


Solo, January 24th, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Been months :)

It has been months I didn't write anything. 
So, what's up world? 

I have passed over six months working as an English teacher since I graduated in July. Never thought it would be so perfectly planned by Alloh. Now, i'm just kinda missing my friends. +Candradewi Nchan  +Mila Riyani  +Sinox Argi Adjah +Rachma Puspita Wardani  +meiby bella +petra a w +indreswari pinandita  +Danielle Donelson-Sims  +Brandon Donelson-Sims +Sekar +fhani purnama +vitus awank  +Jessyca Purnama HOW IS YOUR LIFE, GUYS?

Here, in Solo, we have Sekaten this week. If you wanna come, just tell me, (in case I am not working -.-" hahah.. 6 days working pals)

By the way, I will continue writing the next post after watching HIMYM season 8 episode 14 :p

See yaa! :)
