Monday, May 23, 2011

Saving money is an investment :)

Cara Berhemat

(Tips for saving)

From Yahoo (

1. Bring your own bottle

2. Bring your shopping list

3. Walking

4. Maximize the library

5. Eating at home

6. Avoiding using different ATM from yours

7. Make your coffee by yourself

8. Avoiding going to mall

9. Maximize discount card

10. Recycle

From wikihow (

1. Kill your debts

2. Set savings goals

3. Establish a time-frame

4. Figure out how much you'll have to save per week, per month, or per paycheck to attain each of your savings goals.

 5. Keep record of your expenses

6. Trim your expenses

7. Reassess your savings goals

8. Make your budget

9. Stop using credit card(s)

10. Open an interest-bearing savings account

11. Pay yourself first

12. Don't get discouraged and don't give up




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