Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mari pindah-memindah

Jumat, 21 oktober 2011, saya, Diyah Parwatiningsih, memutuskan untuk pindah secara batin dan lahiriah.

Diyah Parwatiningsih.

Maybe, that's the letter from me to me, as my movement had some issues on me and others (as usual). Well yeah, it was not an easy way to move. It was tough and well-thought, also well-move for my life. Hmmm, tons of reasons I could say to you why I prefer this new boarding house than before. And, it is a lot better than the previous. Whoosahhh....

For good reasons and starting a new life, me, now has a healthy boarding house for my body, my mine, and my soul. It might be too exaggerated but if your heart says the place where you live could comfort you, why don't you grab more positive energies?

So, as the time goes on in a week, I feel this bless is my destiny.

Thanks ya Alloh.

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