Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November hai November

Good evening everybody. Long time no share my story over months. It's been tough months to have a spare time and write down my gorgeous experiences around me.

First of all, the first thing I wanna share is the current thing I could remember. It is my beautiful birthday last two weeks, on October 31, 2010. I HAVE BEEN 20 years old NOW.

I didn't ask ridiculous or spectacular gifts from my family, best friends, college friends, or even from my boyfriend. I just wanted the best for my life : healthy life, good college's life, good love relationship, and could give my best for people around me.

Despite having the ordinary birthday, I got beautiful shocking presents from my boyfriend and best friends. They didn't give me things, but they gave me a lot of sincerely prayer that gave me more spirit in the new stage in my life.

He - my beloved man - gave me a beautiful words :)
Actually it was simple birthday greeting, but I knew it was the most beautiful and powerful words for me from him. THANKS MAS .

He gave me a beautiful day at that time, even though I knew something new about his "naughty" friend, I knew he didn't mean it. He just let me know more about his life, so it meant he believes in me. It's GOOD.

And one week after that, we had our first anniversary, and it was more beautiful.
Even though he didn't say any flowering words to express his feeling towards our anniversary day,
I knew that he actually gave me unforgettable moment. Yeah, it was good at all.
Thanks again mas

Hmmm, Pre-November => November
Besides having prayer for the victims of Merapi mountain, Mentawai, and Wasior,
I did feel happy because of my birthday, my anniversary day, and of course the tough days at campus.
The tasks and tests which are screaming everyday,
the poster for the International Seminar for 2 weeks later,
and the regular task and job in students' body,
yeahhh, rather being cool,
those are challenges for me though.

Just need the strength and blessings from God.

Thanks for all the good things and bad things in my life God.
I know You have always given the best for me.
Thank Lord.

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