Friday, November 11, 2011

Who is your hero?

who is your hero, guys?

Talking about our hero, it depends on what definition of a hero is. Each person has their own definition a hero look like. No offense. We just often talk about our national hero. 

Do you ever think about who is a hero or heroes in your life?
Who is she?
Who is he?
Who are they?

Let me know if there is one of you that don't mind to share with me.

Let me first introduce you to my first hero,
he is my father

Even though, he has passed away, I still give him the top of the place of my hero. 
And the position is missing his person.

the second is,
someone who has taught me everything.
It could be my mom, my brother, my family, my friends, or my love.

I just can live without any others.

So, thanks for my heroes in my life.


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