Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Been months :)

It has been months I didn't write anything. 
So, what's up world? 

I have passed over six months working as an English teacher since I graduated in July. Never thought it would be so perfectly planned by Alloh. Now, i'm just kinda missing my friends. +Candradewi Nchan  +Mila Riyani  +Sinox Argi Adjah +Rachma Puspita Wardani  +meiby bella +petra a w +indreswari pinandita  +Danielle Donelson-Sims  +Brandon Donelson-Sims +Sekar +fhani purnama +vitus awank  +Jessyca Purnama HOW IS YOUR LIFE, GUYS?

Here, in Solo, we have Sekaten this week. If you wanna come, just tell me, (in case I am not working -.-" hahah.. 6 days working pals)

By the way, I will continue writing the next post after watching HIMYM season 8 episode 14 :p

See yaa! :)


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