Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just some thoughts at night.

I don't feel to be poetic this time but somehow I just want to share what I have got as the best teacher in my life. Just some random thoughts at the first, and gradually it'll come the pattern facing the life.

Many new experience has come after I graduated last year. Including my ended college life, work life, friendship story, and love life. "Never too simple to think about but it's just easy when you know what you love to do in your life." - diy -

Times goes by and never think back for what I passed this first semester of being a worker and a woman :) 

I think I find that telling and sharing about personal life is not that simple because it puts your 'kitchen' in front of the house. Never letting others to know your precious and private story is the best key to be mature people. It is because you already know what you need to let others know or not. 

I think this un-poetic-ly opening is not that good enough to deliver my thoughts but sometimes I need to be what I want to be, like this time, not what friends want me to be.


Solo, January 24th, 2013

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