Saturday, October 29, 2011

26 hours left (✿⌒_⌒)

One day left and two hours left

I don't know whether I am ready to face this new year of me or not
It's just a date
just a day in one year
it's the only number in my life
21st years old
I am gonna be that age soon

I don't know how my special day's gonna be

I have a lot of tasks-jobs to do
I have to meet rough people
Yeah, I will say like that
Two people that are gonna be the stress-maker of my special day
The old man's still undercontrol
the young woman,
oopss... like I care!

21st years old...

Ya Alloh,
Please gives me the most beautiful day on that day.
I am still gonna be thankful to you
Because before that day,
You has given me a lot of things very beautiful in its own way

Thank you so much ya Alloh

Thanks for your blessings to me

I am gonna pass it,
the 26 hours left

Thanks God.
Thanks ya Alloh.

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